Saturday, August 4, 2018

Playing with IO in Kotlin

August 04, 2018

Welcome to this post.

Today I going to cover a very unusual topic. If this problem is matched with you then it will help you to save a lot of time.

So let's start-

Imagine you have a text file of some data and you want to format it and save the data into the JSON file.

Example text file line:
abbey - n. a monastery ruled by an abbot
And you have so many lines in the text file.

and your goal is separate, the word and type(part of speech) and description of the word.
so the file output is like
word - abbey
type - n
des - a monastery ruled by an abbot

and save this on  a JSON file
    "word": "Abbey",
    "type": "n",
    "des": "a monastery ruled by an abbot"

This is our today goal. (If you don't clear the take a look again)

Let's jump in the code-
Create the main method and add try catch block

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    try {

    } catch (e: Exception) {

you have to write all the code in the try-catch block.
Create an input and output file name and path variable
val inputName = "definitions.txt"
val outputName = "Output2.json"
val path = "D:/Android/test/"
make sure you select right path. Now make input and output file.
val inputFile = File("$path$inputName")
val outputFile = File("$path$outputName")

you can check is your input file exists or not
Note: If your output is false then your path is wrong, select the right path. until you get this output.

Create an instance of Gson
val gson = Gson()
Note: If you don't know how to add the external library, see this tutorial

Now create a Model class-
class Model(
    val word:String,
    val type:String
    val des:String
Create an array list of this model
val list = ArrayList<Model>()

Take a look at our data source. This decorated in lines. So we can go through emery lines.
So we run a for loop for every line. Take the buffer reader from the input file and read lines.

for (string in inputFile.bufferedReader(bufferSize = 4096).readLines()) {
I use the buffer size 4096 you can use 1024, or any as you want. If you don't have clear knowledge about buffer size then this answer on StackOverflow

create an instance of StringBuilder.
var stringBuilder = StringBuilder()

Step 1: separate the word.
so we read character wise and if we find this sign '-' then stop reading.
for (char in string) {
     if (char == '-') {
so we find our word and that in the StringBuilder
var word = stringBuilder.toString().trim()
Note: use trim() to remove the space.

Step2: separate the type
first remove the word from the string and do the same code as the word. But this time sign is changed. Now sign is '.'
val typesData = string.removePrefix("$word -").trim()
stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
for (char in typesData){
     if (char == '.') {
so we find the type
val type = stringBuilder.toString().trim()

Step 3: separate the description
first, remove the types
val des = typesData.removePrefix("$type.").trim()
so we find the description.

we want to capitalize the first char of the word
val cap = word[0].toUpperCase()
word = word.replaceFirst(word[0],cap)

Now create the model and add to the list.
val model = Model(word,type,des)

So our all word and tyes and des added in the array.

Now our final task is to convert this list to JSON. For this task we use Gson.
//convert list to JSON string
val string = gson.toJson(list)

Create a new output file on the disk.
//crate new file

Now create the instance of file writer and write this json code in the file.
//now write
val writer = FileWriter(outputFile)
Don't forget to close the writer.
//close writer

and finally, print a done message.

So everything is done. Now run the program


So our JSON file:

[{"word":"Abbey","type":"n","des":"a monastery ruled by an abbot"},{"word":"Abide","type":"v","des":"dwell; inhabit or live in"},{"word":"Abound","type":"v","des":"be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities"},{"word":"Absence","type":"n","des":"the state of being absent"},{"word":"Absorb","type":"v","des":"assimilate or take in"},{"word":"Abstinence","type":"n","des":"practice of refraining from indulging an appetite especially alcohol"},{"word":"Absurd","type":"j","des":"inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense"},{"word":"Abundant","type":"j","des":"present in great quantity"},{"word":"Abusive","type":"j","des":"characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment"}, ... 

Check the full code on GitHub.

Some other problem:

Problem 1:
This time our output design will same but our input design will be different.
The input pattern is
word    (type) description

See the solution on Github 

Problem 2:
Input pattern:
word = (type) description

Check the solution on Github

That's it today. Today I cover some unusual topics, but this will help you to save time if you have the same problem.

Thank you very much for reading.

Happy coding.

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Saturday, June 2, 2018

Kotlin Data Structure: Circular Queue

June 02, 2018

Welcome to this post.
In this post, we are going to learn about the Circular queue.

If you don't know the queue data structure, please check this post Queue.

In the previous post of Queue, I discuss the problem about the queue. So today we learn about the circular queue.

In queue, to data in the queue, the method is called enqueue()  
and to get data from the queue, the method is dequeue()

Let's jump in the programming:

circular queue
circular queue

In the above picture, you can see that data inserted in the back or last position and then the position move one row. and the same thing happens when we access data.
So we have to track
  • Top position
  • Last position
First, create a class with a constructor. In the constructor take an int type data. It will use for initializing the circular queue with size.
class CircularQueueK(size: Int){
Create an array with size and also create 2 variable that mentions above.
private val list:Array<Any> = Array(size,{ i: Int -> i })
private var head = 0
private var tail = 0

we have to implement 2 additional method
  • isFull() ->  this will return true if the queue is full, so we don't allow to insert more data.
  • isEmpty() -> this will return true if the queue is empty, so we don't allow dequeue the data.
Let's implement those-
fun isFull() = (tail + 1) % list.size == head
fun isEmpty() = head == tail

Code review of isFull():
In this method, we increase of tail with one the modules with list size and if the result is same as head then it is full. For example, At first, the head is 0, so insert data and tail are increasing, assume that our list size is 5, so at the 4 index it will be filled and the tail is now 4.
Now, when this method is called then first increase tail, and modulus with the list size. Increase the tail to 5 and list size is 5, then the modulus is zero, and it is equal to the head. So it's now empty. because it's come back to the start position.

First, check the circular queue is full or not, If full the return.
Insert data in the list at the tail position
Insert the value in the tail as we did on the if full method
fun enqueue(value: Any){
    if (isFull()){

    list[tail] = value
    tail = (tail+1) % list.size

First, check the circular queue is empty or not. if empty return
Get data from the head position
assign new value of the read same as enqueue()
fun dequeue():Any{

    var a:Any = ""

    if (!isEmpty()){
        a = list[head]
        head = (head +1) % list.size

    return a

Code analysis:
head = (head +1) % list.size
what is actually happening under the hood?
For example, assume the list size is 5 and head position is now 4.
Now if we want to access data from the list then it is the last position of the list. so we don't access next data.
This is the main problem in the queue. But in the circular queue head and tail position is circled from zero to list position.
so now our goal is to initialize head position to again start point.
If the head is 4 then with increase 1 and modules with the list size, and the result is zero.
So, it's back again.
In the circular queue, at least one position is to remain blank for this purpose.

Ok, one more extra method to go-
fun iterator() = list.withIndex()

Now time for testing
Create the main method-
fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Create an instance of the circular queue.
val queue = CircularQueueK(5)

run a while loop until the circular queue is full
var s = 0

while (!queue.isFull()){

Check the list:
run a for loop with the help of iterator() function that we created earlier.
for ((i,v) in queue.iterator()) {
    println("Index:$i and value:$v")
Index:0 and value:0
Index:1 and value:1
Index:2 and value:2
Index:3 and value:3
Index:4 and value:4

just call dequeue method for 3 times and print the value
println("\nGet value1:${queue.dequeue()}")
println("Get value2:${queue.dequeue()}")
println("Get value3:${queue.dequeue()}")
Get value1:0
Get value2:1
Get value3:2

now enqueue() again:
var d = 10
while (!queue.isFull()){

Compare this list with the previous result-
print all data from the circular queue
for ((i,v) in queue.iterator()) {
    println("Index:$i and value:$v")
Index:0 and value:11
Index:1 and value:12
Index:2 and value:2
Index:3 and value:3
Index:4 and value:10

Result analysis:
If you compare this output with the previous output you will see the changes.
we call dequeue() function for 3times, that means we get 3 data from the circular queue. So 3 position is empty now.
We enqueue() again, and only 3 data is inserted on the position of the array is 4, 1, 2 and now the head position is 3. so circulated.

That's the ending of the circular queue()
Thank you, for reading.
Happy coding.

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Friday, June 1, 2018

Kotlin Data Structure: Queue

June 01, 2018

Welcome to this post.
This is the second post about data Structure.
In this post, we are going to learn about Queue data structure.

In the previous post, we discuss Stack. Stack is FILO type data structure.
But Queue is the FIFO data structure, that means the data enter first that also come first.
queue data structure in kotlin
Src: Wikipedia
In queue, to data in the queue, the method is called enqueue()  
and to get data from queue, the method is dequeue()

Implementation of Queue:
In the above picture, you can see that data inserted in the back or last position and then the position move one row. and the same thing happens when we access data.
So we have to track
  • Top position
  • Last position
Create an array of Int' and also create 2 variable that mentions above.
var ints = IntArray(10)
var head = 0
var tail = 0

insert data in the tail position and increase the tail
fun enqueue(n: Int) {
    ints[tail] = n
    tail += 1
    println("Input:" + n)
get data from head position index from the array and increase the head
fun dequeue(): Int {
    val n = ints[head]
    head += 1
    return n
Empty check:
if head and tail is same then the stack is empty
val isEmpty: Boolean
        get() = head == tail

Now time for access data:
First, create the main method:
fun main(arg: Array<String>) {
just run a for loop from 0 to 10 and insert data
for (i in 0..9) {
works fine.
run a while loop until the queue is empty
while (!isEmpty) {
    println("value: " + dequeue())
value: 0
value: 1
value: 2
value: 3
value: 4
value: 5
value: 6
value: 7
value: 8
value: 9

It's work fine.
That's is the basic queue implementation.
You can check this out on Github

Discussion about queue:
The uses of the basic queue are not huge. It has a very limited use.
Because it wastes memory.
For example, if the queue has the capacity of 100. Then at the beginning data inserted from zero, when we access data from one we can get that data from the zero position. After the head is also increased and the tail already increased. Imagine by this way at 99 position data is filled and we access data from the 99 potions. If we want to insert new data into the queue it shows you a warning, "hey! I am full, I can not take any new data". But already the previous position is empty and there is no way to insert new data in the queue. we can use the previous position. But it allocates the memory. This is obviously the waste of memory. see the picture for the more clear concept.

Queue Data structure
Queue Data structure

To fix this problem we use the circular queue

Circular Queue
Circular Queue

In circular queue top position and the last position move around a circle. I will discuss circular queue in the next post.

Until then, stay happy and keep practicing.
Thank you for reading this post. 
Happy coding

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Kotlin Data Structure: Stack

May 29, 2018

Welcome to this post.
This is going to be a series post about data structure and algorithm, In this series, I use kotlin as a default language.

Let's start with stack data structure-

Stack is a simple data structure.
The implementation of this data structure is also called LIFO that means Last in Fast out.
Basically, in this data structure, the last data will come in first.

Src: Wikipedia

In this picture, the First A block moves into C. Now if we want to get a block from C then we must take the green block first that insert in the last. And this is the basic concept of Stack.
You check Wikipedia for more.

Now come in programming-
To put data in Stack there is a function called push()
and to access data called pop() and this function also removes the first element of Stack.

Src: Wikipedia

To implement sack we always think about the top position. For example, after a successful push top position will change and also in the pop operation.

So, create a class, (you can make an inner class) and create two variable,
  • one is for top position
  • other is a list to store data.
we are using kotlin so mutable list will be perfect.
initialize top as -1 and an empty list
class Stack<T> {
    private var top = -1
    private val array:MutableList<T> = mutableListOf()

push() function
         now our top position is -1. so in the push method, we just increase the top position. Just add plus one in every push. and insert data in the array at this index.
fun push(value: T) {
    top += 1

pop() function:
          when we create the class we initialize top position as -1. basically, array stary from zero indexes. so -1 index does not exist. so first check the value of the top position. if the position is -1 the stack has no data yet. If you called pop() function you are trying to get data from the empty stack. For this case, if the stack is empty we throw an exception.
if (top == -1) {
    throw Exception("Stack is empty")

now take the value from array and array index will be top value. And finally, reduce the top position.
fun pop(): T {

    if (top == -1) {
         throw Exception("Stack is empty")

    val value = array[top]
    top -= 1
    return value

now create a variable that will show the length of this stack. we use get method of kotlin.
If the top is -1 then the length will be 0 and is not then length will be top + 1
val length:Int get() {
     return if (top == -1) 0
     else top + 1

Now time for put data and access data from this stack

create the main function-
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
create an instance of stack and type will be Int
val stack = Stack<Int>()
run a for loop and the number range will be 0 to 10. And insert the date in the stack
for (i in 0 until 10){

Now print the length of Stack-
println("Stack length:${stack.length}")
Stack length:10
so the data inserted successfully. Now get the data

we run a while loop until the stack length is zero
while (stack.length > 0){
    println("Stack: value:${stack.pop()} length:${stack.length}")
Stack: value:9 length:9
Stack: value:8 length:8
Stack: value:7 length:7
Stack: value:6 length:6
Stack: value:5 length:5
Stack: value:4 length:4
Stack: value:3 length:3
Stack: value:2 length:2
Stack: value:1 length:1
Stack: value:0 length:0

see the first value is 9 and but we start to insert data from 0. We find zero in the last.
at the last, the value is zero and the length is zero.
So now our stack is zero.

If we try to get data from stack then see what will happen-
println("Stack ${stack.pop()}")
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Stack is empty
    at dataStructure.stack.Stack.pop(StackDemo.kt:33)
    at dataStructure.stack.StackDemoKt.main(StackDemo.kt:18)
we will get an exception.

That's it, we finished the implementation of stack and do push and pop operation.

In case you miss something, check the full code on Github

Thank you very much for reading. Hope this will help you.
Keep practicing

Happy coding

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Friday, April 13, 2018

Android ThemeLibrary

April 13, 2018

Hello visitors,

After a long gap, I bring a post for you.
I don't like to waste your time anymore.

Let's start-
Today, I will write about a new library. The Library is about for android theming and color plate.

First of all, see some screenshot-

So you can see that this library has an awesome theme list. You can use this list and with your own additional list. You can also remove this list and use your own theme list.
It has a built-in night mode icon that switches On and Off night mode. The biggest advantage of this library is If you don't like this option you can turn off by one line of code.
See another screenshot (here night mode is enabled)

So you can see that this is highly customizable.
Enough intro lets get started-

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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Kotlin null safety

August 19, 2017

Welcome to kotlin Series

In this post, we are going to discuss a very important topic of Kotlin. The topic is kotlin null safety.
I think you already heard this keyword, null safety, Kotlin is a null safety language. right?
what is the null safety? In kotlin by default, you can not assign a value of a variable as null. All the variable must have a value.

but if you want an assign a variable as null, you have to use?
val nullValue:String? = null
if you want to create a variable but want to assign a value later then use
var name:String?
name = "shudipto"
now print the value
println("Name: $name")
Name: shudipto
now assign this value to null
name = null
print this new value
Note: if you want to set this variable must have value then use below code-
now we create a function that returns null
//null return function
fun returnNull():String? {
    return null
print this value:
 println("Function: ${returnNull()}")
 println("Function: ${returnNull()}")
now we use the force operator to assign the return value of this methods
val returnNull1:String ?= returnNull()
now if we want to learn the length of this variable we can use length method
//val returnNull2 = returnNull1.length
but this line shows an error because the value of the variable is null. This is the advantage of kotlin. If you are in java the here this line program will be crashed. but in kotlin, we can do by this way without any crash
val returnNull2 = returnNull1?.length
Now, this program will not crash. but you can do another thing that is if the value is null then you can save a string or default value I am using a string
val returnNull2 = returnNull1?.length ?: "value is null"
print the value
println("ReturnNull2: $returnNull2")
ReturnNull2: value is null
see the variable value is null so the default value is assigned. you can also use this method for the specific data type variable:
val returnNull4:String = returnNull() ?: "No name"
print the value:
No name
That's it. Hope you understand the concept. This is very important in Android App development. It prevent some unexpected crash.

Thank you very much.
Happy coding

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Kotlin Series

August 19, 2017

welcome to kotlin series.
Kotlin Series

In this series, we are basically going through some basic and advanced tutorial about kotlin language.
we try to serve you best practices on those tutorials.

Here is the collection of all post

1. String -  kotlin string tutorial
2. Array and loop - array and loop tutorial
3. File reader and write - kotlin IO tutorial. 
4. ArrayList - kotlin ArrayList
5. How to control loop in kotlin - kotlin loop control
6. Collection - kotlin collection such as hash map, array, list
7.Null Safety - kotlin null safety

Series tutorial:
Kotlin OOP series:
  1. OOP Basic
  2. Constructor
  3. Inheritance
  4. Method Overriding
1.Bookstore a simple program with function and input-output from the console with conditions. 

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Friday, August 18, 2017

Kotlin Collection Example

August 18, 2017

Welcome to kotlin Series

In the tutorial, we are going to discuss Kotlin collection.
we touch on below topics
1. Hashmap
2. Array
3. List
       3.a. mutable list
       3.b. immutable list
4. Set
       4.a. mutable set
       4.b. immutable set

Let's start-

Hashmap: In kotlin, we can use java hashmap easily. But kotlin has an own hashmap. First, we go through Java hashmap create an instance of Hashmap class and parameter will be string and string after input some data and print data to check.
see the code-
val hasMap = HashMap<String,String>()

hasMap["d"] = "trafder"
hasMap["f"] = "Himu"
hasMap["g"] = "Rupa"
now print a value
I am using a for loop to print all the value that stored in hashmap with their key. code-
for ((v,k) in hasMap.entries){
        println("$v -> $k")
s -> Shudipto
d -> trafder
f -> Himu
g -> Rupa
that's it in this way we use java hashmap. But kotlin has already a default hashmap. now use kotlin hashmap.
See the code
val hasmap = hashMapOf(1 to "shudipto")
print a value
use a for loop to see all the value with the key that stored in the hashmap.
//print all value with index
for ((position,value) in hasmap.entries){
    println("Index:$position value:$value")
//print all value with index
for ((position,value) in hasmap.entries){
    println("Index:$position value:$value")
That's all on hashmap. next topics Array

Array: kotlin has a special array class. let's see the example. But before jump into code, you can check our two tutorial about ArrayList and Array and loop. This will help you to understand the array concept easily.
see the code-
println("\nKotlin Array")
val array = arrayOf("Shudipto",1,2,3.5,"Trafder")
array[4] = "himu"
now print all the value with for loop-
for ((p,v) in array.withIndex()){
    println("Index:$p value:$v")
Index:0 value:Shudipto
Index:1 value:1
Index:2 value:2
Index:3 value:3.5
Index:4 value:himu
That's it on Array. Next topics is  list

List:  In kotlin, there are two types of list available. Mutable and immutable list.
see the code-
mutable list-
println("\n\nMutable list of array")
val list = mutableListOf(1,2,34,5,6,7,8,"Shudipto")

list[0] = "trafder"
immutable list-
val list2 = listOf(1,2,34,5,6,7,8,"Shudipto")

Mutable vs immutable list: you can not update immutable list after assign.

now print all the value by using for loop
mutable list-
for ((p,v) in list.withIndex()){
    println("Index:$p value:$v")
Mutable list of array
Index:0 value:trafder
Index:1 value:2
Index:2 value:34
Index:3 value:5
Index:4 value:6
Index:5 value:7
Index:6 value:8
Index:7 value:Shudipto
Immutable List
println("\n\nimmutable list of array")
for ((p,v) in list2.withIndex()){
    println("Index:$p value:$v")
immutable list of array
Index:0 value:1
Index:1 value:2
Index:2 value:34
Index:3 value:5
Index:4 value:6
Index:5 value:7
Index:6 value:8
Index:7 value:Shudipto
That's it on the list. Nest on set.

Set: As list, kotlin has also two types of set. one is mutable and second is immutable.
so see the code
mutable set-
val mSet = mutableSetOf(1,2,4,5,6,6,8,1)
immutable set
val set = setOf(15,2,3,10,5,6,15,10)

mutable vs immutable set: you can update mutable set anytime. But immutable set can not update after assign.
print all the value
mutable set-
for ((p,v) in mSet.withIndex()) println("Index:$p value:$v")
Index:0 value:1
Index:1 value:2
Index:2 value:4
Index:3 value:5
Index:4 value:6
Index:5 value:8
Immutable set-
for ((p,v) in set.withIndex()) println("Index:$p value:$v")
Index:0 value:15
Index:1 value:2
Index:2 value:3
Index:3 value:10
Index:4 value:5
Index:5 value:6
That's it on set.

oh! we finish all the topics. Before finish this post I will give you a gift topics.
List vs set:
you probably see that list and set is working basically same process. List and Set both save a collection of data. They also have the mutable and immutable option. you can save any time of data type and you can also mix data type. but the question is, what is the difference between list and set?
the answer is, the set is not stored duplicate value but list save. If you are working with duplicate value then you must use list. or, If you are want to ignore duplicate value then use set.

Thank you for reading.
Hope you enjoy this tutorial.
Happy coding.

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How to control loop in Kotlin

August 18, 2017

Welcome to kotlin Series

In this small post, we are going to discuss how to control loop in Kotlin.
Basically, we use 2 keywords for the control loop.
1. continue
2. break
if we want to skip one process, then we use to continue the keyword
for (a in 1..5){
        if (a==4){
        println("A: $a")
A: 1
A: 2
A: 3
A: 5
or if we stop the loop then we use break keyword
for (a in 1..5){
    if (a==4){
    println("A: $a")
A: 1
A: 2
A: 3

But in the nested loop if we want to stop the second loop after a selected value.
But in this case, if we use break keyword in the second loop-
for (a in 1..5){
        println("A: $a")

        for (b in 1..5){
            if (a == 4){
            println("B: $b")
and output:
A: 1
B: 1
B: 2
B: 3
B: 4
B: 5
A: 2
B: 1
B: 2
B: 3
B: 4
B: 5
A: 3
B: 1
B: 2
B: 3
B: 4
B: 5
A: 4
A: 5
B: 1
B: 2
B: 3
B: 4
B: 5
so we see loop is not stopped. It only stops inner loop after reaching the value of a is 4. no value of this loop is not printed and it repeated every time with increasing value with a
But our target on the basis of above value, we want to stop whole loop not only second loop after the value of a is 4.
For this case, we use loop keyword.
See the code-
loop@ for (a in 1..5){
        println("value a:$a")

        for (b in 1..4){
            if (a == 4){

            println(" b:$b")

    println("Loop done")
value a:1
value a:2
value a:3
value a:4
Loop done
Oh! now our loop is stopped when the value of a is 4
sometimes we need to control the inner loop with the main loop condition. So loop keyword is saved a lot of time, we don't need to implement the complex logic.

Thank you for reading this post.
Happy coding

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