Saturday, June 30, 2018

Searching Algorithms: Linear Search

June 30, 2018

welcome to this post.

Today I am going to talk about Searching Algorithms.
In this tutorial, I will cover 3 Searching Algorithms
  • Linear Search
  • Binary Search
  • Interpolation Search

So Let start with Linear Search

Linear Search:
From the name, you can get an idea. It searches linearly. One by one.
This algorithm starts the search from the beginning and continues until finding the
desired search index.

For example,
Assume an array from 0 to 10. and you are searching for10. so what will happen?

First, it checks
if 10 is equal to 0 => nope, then
if 10 is equal to 1 => nope, then
continue this
if 10 is equal to 10 => yes.

Now it's finding the number.

So it starts from the beginning and continues until it's done.

Let's jump into the code
Create a class and it's constructor take the array size.
class DataK(size:int){

create two variable,

  • one is an array that holds the data set
  • other is numberOfTry: an int type variable that will give information,
how many tries need to find the value.

val array: Array<Int> = Array(size,{i -> i})
var numberOfTry = 0

Now Just run a for loop from 1 to the given size and put the data into the array.
init {
    for (i in 1 until size){
         array[i-1] = i

The complete Class code in GitHub
Note: This class is used in every searching Algorithms.

Now create the main method and initialize the data and give the size 100000.
val data = DataK(100000)

we want to find 9999
val search = 99999

Set the initial number of try to zero
var numberOfTry = 0

And the last declare a new variable, named it to result and this will hold the result.
everything is set, now I am ready for the main action

To search run a for loop from 0 to the data size and compare the index value with our searching number if find the break the loop and at the end increase the number of tries.

That's is the idea.
See code
for (i in 0 until (data.array.size - 1)) {
    val number = data.array[i]
    if (number == search) {
        result = number as Int


Now result:
from the linear search if the result is -1 then the value does not exist and that means data is not found.

so, we print the number of tries to see it actually search or not if the result is not -1 then
we find the data.
print number of trials, to see how much try need to find our data

if (result != -1)
    println("Data found on: $numberOfTry")
    println("Data not found try: $numberOfTry")

Data found on: 99998

so, it takes 99998 try to find 99999.

Check the full source code in Github

Note: If you are from java. Check this on Github.

That is all about the Linear search algorithm.

It is a very simple algorithm. It is not widely used.

we will compare all of the searching algorithms after completing all of those.

In the next part, I will discuss Binary search.

Thank you for reading.
If you have any suggestion or any queries use the comment section.

Happy coding

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Saturday, June 2, 2018

Kotlin Data Structure: Circular Queue

June 02, 2018

Welcome to this post.
In this post, we are going to learn about the Circular queue.

If you don't know the queue data structure, please check this post Queue.

In the previous post of Queue, I discuss the problem about the queue. So today we learn about the circular queue.

In queue, to data in the queue, the method is called enqueue()  
and to get data from the queue, the method is dequeue()

Let's jump in the programming:

circular queue
circular queue

In the above picture, you can see that data inserted in the back or last position and then the position move one row. and the same thing happens when we access data.
So we have to track
  • Top position
  • Last position
First, create a class with a constructor. In the constructor take an int type data. It will use for initializing the circular queue with size.
class CircularQueueK(size: Int){
Create an array with size and also create 2 variable that mentions above.
private val list:Array<Any> = Array(size,{ i: Int -> i })
private var head = 0
private var tail = 0

we have to implement 2 additional method
  • isFull() ->  this will return true if the queue is full, so we don't allow to insert more data.
  • isEmpty() -> this will return true if the queue is empty, so we don't allow dequeue the data.
Let's implement those-
fun isFull() = (tail + 1) % list.size == head
fun isEmpty() = head == tail

Code review of isFull():
In this method, we increase of tail with one the modules with list size and if the result is same as head then it is full. For example, At first, the head is 0, so insert data and tail are increasing, assume that our list size is 5, so at the 4 index it will be filled and the tail is now 4.
Now, when this method is called then first increase tail, and modulus with the list size. Increase the tail to 5 and list size is 5, then the modulus is zero, and it is equal to the head. So it's now empty. because it's come back to the start position.

First, check the circular queue is full or not, If full the return.
Insert data in the list at the tail position
Insert the value in the tail as we did on the if full method
fun enqueue(value: Any){
    if (isFull()){

    list[tail] = value
    tail = (tail+1) % list.size

First, check the circular queue is empty or not. if empty return
Get data from the head position
assign new value of the read same as enqueue()
fun dequeue():Any{

    var a:Any = ""

    if (!isEmpty()){
        a = list[head]
        head = (head +1) % list.size

    return a

Code analysis:
head = (head +1) % list.size
what is actually happening under the hood?
For example, assume the list size is 5 and head position is now 4.
Now if we want to access data from the list then it is the last position of the list. so we don't access next data.
This is the main problem in the queue. But in the circular queue head and tail position is circled from zero to list position.
so now our goal is to initialize head position to again start point.
If the head is 4 then with increase 1 and modules with the list size, and the result is zero.
So, it's back again.
In the circular queue, at least one position is to remain blank for this purpose.

Ok, one more extra method to go-
fun iterator() = list.withIndex()

Now time for testing
Create the main method-
fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Create an instance of the circular queue.
val queue = CircularQueueK(5)

run a while loop until the circular queue is full
var s = 0

while (!queue.isFull()){

Check the list:
run a for loop with the help of iterator() function that we created earlier.
for ((i,v) in queue.iterator()) {
    println("Index:$i and value:$v")
Index:0 and value:0
Index:1 and value:1
Index:2 and value:2
Index:3 and value:3
Index:4 and value:4

just call dequeue method for 3 times and print the value
println("\nGet value1:${queue.dequeue()}")
println("Get value2:${queue.dequeue()}")
println("Get value3:${queue.dequeue()}")
Get value1:0
Get value2:1
Get value3:2

now enqueue() again:
var d = 10
while (!queue.isFull()){

Compare this list with the previous result-
print all data from the circular queue
for ((i,v) in queue.iterator()) {
    println("Index:$i and value:$v")
Index:0 and value:11
Index:1 and value:12
Index:2 and value:2
Index:3 and value:3
Index:4 and value:10

Result analysis:
If you compare this output with the previous output you will see the changes.
we call dequeue() function for 3times, that means we get 3 data from the circular queue. So 3 position is empty now.
We enqueue() again, and only 3 data is inserted on the position of the array is 4, 1, 2 and now the head position is 3. so circulated.

That's the ending of the circular queue()
Thank you, for reading.
Happy coding.

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Friday, June 1, 2018

Kotlin Data Structure: Queue

June 01, 2018

Welcome to this post.
This is the second post about data Structure.
In this post, we are going to learn about Queue data structure.

In the previous post, we discuss Stack. Stack is FILO type data structure.
But Queue is the FIFO data structure, that means the data enter first that also come first.
queue data structure in kotlin
Src: Wikipedia
In queue, to data in the queue, the method is called enqueue()  
and to get data from queue, the method is dequeue()

Implementation of Queue:
In the above picture, you can see that data inserted in the back or last position and then the position move one row. and the same thing happens when we access data.
So we have to track
  • Top position
  • Last position
Create an array of Int' and also create 2 variable that mentions above.
var ints = IntArray(10)
var head = 0
var tail = 0

insert data in the tail position and increase the tail
fun enqueue(n: Int) {
    ints[tail] = n
    tail += 1
    println("Input:" + n)
get data from head position index from the array and increase the head
fun dequeue(): Int {
    val n = ints[head]
    head += 1
    return n
Empty check:
if head and tail is same then the stack is empty
val isEmpty: Boolean
        get() = head == tail

Now time for access data:
First, create the main method:
fun main(arg: Array<String>) {
just run a for loop from 0 to 10 and insert data
for (i in 0..9) {
works fine.
run a while loop until the queue is empty
while (!isEmpty) {
    println("value: " + dequeue())
value: 0
value: 1
value: 2
value: 3
value: 4
value: 5
value: 6
value: 7
value: 8
value: 9

It's work fine.
That's is the basic queue implementation.
You can check this out on Github

Discussion about queue:
The uses of the basic queue are not huge. It has a very limited use.
Because it wastes memory.
For example, if the queue has the capacity of 100. Then at the beginning data inserted from zero, when we access data from one we can get that data from the zero position. After the head is also increased and the tail already increased. Imagine by this way at 99 position data is filled and we access data from the 99 potions. If we want to insert new data into the queue it shows you a warning, "hey! I am full, I can not take any new data". But already the previous position is empty and there is no way to insert new data in the queue. we can use the previous position. But it allocates the memory. This is obviously the waste of memory. see the picture for the more clear concept.

Queue Data structure
Queue Data structure

To fix this problem we use the circular queue

Circular Queue
Circular Queue

In circular queue top position and the last position move around a circle. I will discuss circular queue in the next post.

Until then, stay happy and keep practicing.
Thank you for reading this post. 
Happy coding

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Kotlin Data Structure: Stack

May 29, 2018

Welcome to this post.
This is going to be a series post about data structure and algorithm, In this series, I use kotlin as a default language.

Let's start with stack data structure-

Stack is a simple data structure.
The implementation of this data structure is also called LIFO that means Last in Fast out.
Basically, in this data structure, the last data will come in first.

Src: Wikipedia

In this picture, the First A block moves into C. Now if we want to get a block from C then we must take the green block first that insert in the last. And this is the basic concept of Stack.
You check Wikipedia for more.

Now come in programming-
To put data in Stack there is a function called push()
and to access data called pop() and this function also removes the first element of Stack.

Src: Wikipedia

To implement sack we always think about the top position. For example, after a successful push top position will change and also in the pop operation.

So, create a class, (you can make an inner class) and create two variable,
  • one is for top position
  • other is a list to store data.
we are using kotlin so mutable list will be perfect.
initialize top as -1 and an empty list
class Stack<T> {
    private var top = -1
    private val array:MutableList<T> = mutableListOf()

push() function
         now our top position is -1. so in the push method, we just increase the top position. Just add plus one in every push. and insert data in the array at this index.
fun push(value: T) {
    top += 1

pop() function:
          when we create the class we initialize top position as -1. basically, array stary from zero indexes. so -1 index does not exist. so first check the value of the top position. if the position is -1 the stack has no data yet. If you called pop() function you are trying to get data from the empty stack. For this case, if the stack is empty we throw an exception.
if (top == -1) {
    throw Exception("Stack is empty")

now take the value from array and array index will be top value. And finally, reduce the top position.
fun pop(): T {

    if (top == -1) {
         throw Exception("Stack is empty")

    val value = array[top]
    top -= 1
    return value

now create a variable that will show the length of this stack. we use get method of kotlin.
If the top is -1 then the length will be 0 and is not then length will be top + 1
val length:Int get() {
     return if (top == -1) 0
     else top + 1

Now time for put data and access data from this stack

create the main function-
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
create an instance of stack and type will be Int
val stack = Stack<Int>()
run a for loop and the number range will be 0 to 10. And insert the date in the stack
for (i in 0 until 10){

Now print the length of Stack-
println("Stack length:${stack.length}")
Stack length:10
so the data inserted successfully. Now get the data

we run a while loop until the stack length is zero
while (stack.length > 0){
    println("Stack: value:${stack.pop()} length:${stack.length}")
Stack: value:9 length:9
Stack: value:8 length:8
Stack: value:7 length:7
Stack: value:6 length:6
Stack: value:5 length:5
Stack: value:4 length:4
Stack: value:3 length:3
Stack: value:2 length:2
Stack: value:1 length:1
Stack: value:0 length:0

see the first value is 9 and but we start to insert data from 0. We find zero in the last.
at the last, the value is zero and the length is zero.
So now our stack is zero.

If we try to get data from stack then see what will happen-
println("Stack ${stack.pop()}")
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Stack is empty
    at dataStructure.stack.Stack.pop(StackDemo.kt:33)
    at dataStructure.stack.StackDemoKt.main(StackDemo.kt:18)
we will get an exception.

That's it, we finished the implementation of stack and do push and pop operation.

In case you miss something, check the full code on Github

Thank you very much for reading. Hope this will help you.
Keep practicing

Happy coding

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