Monday, September 18, 2017

Android text to speech tutorial

September 18, 2017

Welcome to this post. In this post, we are going to discuss android text to speech.
Before the start, check the official documentation of Android text to speech.

In my case, I use this option with a fab (Floating action button). When the user clicks on this fab button this text to speech is triggered and user heard the speech.
Let's start,
Implement TextToSpeech.OnIntListener on your activity class.
public class DetailsActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements
        TextToSpeech.OnInitListener {

Create an instance of TextToSpeech Class
private TextToSpeech toSpeech;

override onIint() methods and follow below steps:
 1. First, we need to check if Text to speech engine is installed or not
if (status != TextToSpeech.ERROR) {
2. If the status is not erroring then we set a default language, we set here the US as default.
int result = toSpeech.setLanguage(Locale.US);
3. now check language data is missing or not supported or not installed then we start for install this text to speech engine.
if (result == TextToSpeech.LANG_MISSING_DATA ||
    result == TextToSpeech.LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED ||
    result == TextToSpeech.ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED_YET) {

      Intent installIntent = new Intent();

if you missing something check the full code of onInit() method
    public void onInit(int status) {

        if (status != TextToSpeech.ERROR) {

            int result = toSpeech.setLanguage(Locale.US);

            if (result == TextToSpeech.LANG_MISSING_DATA ||
                    result == TextToSpeech.LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED ||
                    result == TextToSpeech.ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED_YET) {

                Intent installIntent = new Intent();


Create a method and add a single parameter, word as String. In my case, I named it as setTTS() and parameter is word as String,
setTTS(String selectedWord)
private void setTTS(String selectedWord) {

            toSpeech.speak(selectedWord, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null, null);

        } else {
            toSpeech.speak(selectedWord, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);

Note: below methods is deprecated. So check if the device is lollipop and higher then use utterance as an extra parameter.

One more thing to go.
We need to shut down this TextToSpeech engine when the activity is destroyed. but before we need to check textToSpeech is null or not to avoid any error. If it is not null the call stop and shutdown method. see the code
protected void onDestroy() {
   if (toSpeech != null) {

That's it 
you finished writing coding. Now call setTTS() method from anywhere in your project. You can use it as Button onClick or TextView onClick. Just pass a string parameter and call the method. As I told you, at the beginning of this post I am using this option in a fab button. you can that code by the following link. But don't be confused. This is the full activity code, so there is a lot of things with TextToSpeech. Click GitHub link.

Now you can use this code. Hope you understand this TextToSpeech logic. and you will be you use this option in your next or existing project.

Thanks for reading this post.
Happy coding.

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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

How to connect firebase directly from android studio

September 05, 2017

welcome to firebase series.

In this post, we are going to learn about how to connect firebase from the android studio. This is the easiest methods ever.
we can directly connect firebase through the android studio.
Let's start-
open any project or create the new project
I am going throw picture by picture. Follow picture to picture for completing this process.

In android studio click tool and select firebase.

after click that it will open this window

Now click any option. In my case, I use analytics

click log on any event. After it will open this window

Click connect to firebase

after the process is finished it will open this window.

Edit project name (this is for firebase project. it will show in the firebase only)  change your location.

click on connect to the firebase

after the finish of this  process, it will show will connect firebase

succesfully connected now click add analytics to your app

click accept. it will change your gradle file

wait for finishing the gradle build.

after gradle finish, this will show Dependices set up correctly.

you can add more function by clicking the same process.

Now go to the firebase console

this is our newly created process.

That's it:
we successfully connected our project to firebase. This is the easiest methods ever. you don't need to add JSON file manually. All the file automatically add to your project.

Thank you for reading this post.
Happy coding.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How to set sign in anonymously in Firebase

August 30, 2017

welcome to firebase series tutorial.

In this post, we are going learn about how to sign in anonymously in firebase.
But before starting, I am providing you some ideas why we need sign in anonymously?
If you are using real-time database and storage you need to create a rule for access database and storage.
By default the rule is

  "rules": {

    ".read": "auth != null",

    ".write": "auth != null"


here auth means Authentication. So if your app hasn't any login option you sign in anonymously sign in from your app. So by doing this, that database and storage can be access only from your app. so you can protect your database. Or if you change the rule to access everyone there is a possibility to lose your database. anyone can delete your database with in a single request.

So we sign in anonymously in Firebase from our app to protect database and storage.

Let's start,
you already know how to connect Firebase for your project.
now go to firebase console and select authentication.
click this to go directly Firebase Console.
Now go to sign in method


and click anonymous and enable it.

that's the ending of the configuration of firebase console
now time for coding
Note: I use kotlin as a default language.

add below line to your build.gradle file
implementation ''
Now create an instance of FirebaseAuth class
see the code-
val mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance()
use signInAnonymously() method and add a complete listener. if the task is successful we show a message that Authentication is successful and also user id. if failed then we will show a fail message.
     .addOnCompleteListener(this, { task ->
         if (task.isSuccessful) {
                val user = mAuth.currentUser
                Toast.makeText(this, "Authentication successful. user id ${user.uid}",

            } else {
                // If the sign in fails displays a message to the user.
                Toast.makeText(this, "Authentication failed.",

That's it coding see the final screen short in the firebase console
firebase-auth android sketchpad
you find some details about your user
1. creation date
2. signed in date
3. user id

That's it from this post hope this will help you to understand this concept.
and you will implement anonymous login option for your app and make a better security for your Firebase database and storage.
Happy coding

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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Kotlin null safety

August 19, 2017

Welcome to kotlin Series

In this post, we are going to discuss a very important topic of Kotlin. The topic is kotlin null safety.
I think you already heard this keyword, null safety, Kotlin is a null safety language. right?
what is the null safety? In kotlin by default, you can not assign a value of a variable as null. All the variable must have a value.

but if you want an assign a variable as null, you have to use?
val nullValue:String? = null
if you want to create a variable but want to assign a value later then use
var name:String?
name = "shudipto"
now print the value
println("Name: $name")
Name: shudipto
now assign this value to null
name = null
print this new value
Note: if you want to set this variable must have value then use below code-
now we create a function that returns null
//null return function
fun returnNull():String? {
    return null
print this value:
 println("Function: ${returnNull()}")
 println("Function: ${returnNull()}")
now we use the force operator to assign the return value of this methods
val returnNull1:String ?= returnNull()
now if we want to learn the length of this variable we can use length method
//val returnNull2 = returnNull1.length
but this line shows an error because the value of the variable is null. This is the advantage of kotlin. If you are in java the here this line program will be crashed. but in kotlin, we can do by this way without any crash
val returnNull2 = returnNull1?.length
Now, this program will not crash. but you can do another thing that is if the value is null then you can save a string or default value I am using a string
val returnNull2 = returnNull1?.length ?: "value is null"
print the value
println("ReturnNull2: $returnNull2")
ReturnNull2: value is null
see the variable value is null so the default value is assigned. you can also use this method for the specific data type variable:
val returnNull4:String = returnNull() ?: "No name"
print the value:
No name
That's it. Hope you understand the concept. This is very important in Android App development. It prevent some unexpected crash.

Thank you very much.
Happy coding

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Kotlin Series

August 19, 2017

welcome to kotlin series.
Kotlin Series

In this series, we are basically going through some basic and advanced tutorial about kotlin language.
we try to serve you best practices on those tutorials.

Here is the collection of all post

1. String -  kotlin string tutorial
2. Array and loop - array and loop tutorial
3. File reader and write - kotlin IO tutorial. 
4. ArrayList - kotlin ArrayList
5. How to control loop in kotlin - kotlin loop control
6. Collection - kotlin collection such as hash map, array, list
7.Null Safety - kotlin null safety

Series tutorial:
Kotlin OOP series:
  1. OOP Basic
  2. Constructor
  3. Inheritance
  4. Method Overriding
1.Bookstore a simple program with function and input-output from the console with conditions. 

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Friday, August 18, 2017

Kotlin Collection Example

August 18, 2017

Welcome to kotlin Series

In the tutorial, we are going to discuss Kotlin collection.
we touch on below topics
1. Hashmap
2. Array
3. List
       3.a. mutable list
       3.b. immutable list
4. Set
       4.a. mutable set
       4.b. immutable set

Let's start-

Hashmap: In kotlin, we can use java hashmap easily. But kotlin has an own hashmap. First, we go through Java hashmap create an instance of Hashmap class and parameter will be string and string after input some data and print data to check.
see the code-
val hasMap = HashMap<String,String>()

hasMap["d"] = "trafder"
hasMap["f"] = "Himu"
hasMap["g"] = "Rupa"
now print a value
I am using a for loop to print all the value that stored in hashmap with their key. code-
for ((v,k) in hasMap.entries){
        println("$v -> $k")
s -> Shudipto
d -> trafder
f -> Himu
g -> Rupa
that's it in this way we use java hashmap. But kotlin has already a default hashmap. now use kotlin hashmap.
See the code
val hasmap = hashMapOf(1 to "shudipto")
print a value
use a for loop to see all the value with the key that stored in the hashmap.
//print all value with index
for ((position,value) in hasmap.entries){
    println("Index:$position value:$value")
//print all value with index
for ((position,value) in hasmap.entries){
    println("Index:$position value:$value")
That's all on hashmap. next topics Array

Array: kotlin has a special array class. let's see the example. But before jump into code, you can check our two tutorial about ArrayList and Array and loop. This will help you to understand the array concept easily.
see the code-
println("\nKotlin Array")
val array = arrayOf("Shudipto",1,2,3.5,"Trafder")
array[4] = "himu"
now print all the value with for loop-
for ((p,v) in array.withIndex()){
    println("Index:$p value:$v")
Index:0 value:Shudipto
Index:1 value:1
Index:2 value:2
Index:3 value:3.5
Index:4 value:himu
That's it on Array. Next topics is  list

List:  In kotlin, there are two types of list available. Mutable and immutable list.
see the code-
mutable list-
println("\n\nMutable list of array")
val list = mutableListOf(1,2,34,5,6,7,8,"Shudipto")

list[0] = "trafder"
immutable list-
val list2 = listOf(1,2,34,5,6,7,8,"Shudipto")

Mutable vs immutable list: you can not update immutable list after assign.

now print all the value by using for loop
mutable list-
for ((p,v) in list.withIndex()){
    println("Index:$p value:$v")
Mutable list of array
Index:0 value:trafder
Index:1 value:2
Index:2 value:34
Index:3 value:5
Index:4 value:6
Index:5 value:7
Index:6 value:8
Index:7 value:Shudipto
Immutable List
println("\n\nimmutable list of array")
for ((p,v) in list2.withIndex()){
    println("Index:$p value:$v")
immutable list of array
Index:0 value:1
Index:1 value:2
Index:2 value:34
Index:3 value:5
Index:4 value:6
Index:5 value:7
Index:6 value:8
Index:7 value:Shudipto
That's it on the list. Nest on set.

Set: As list, kotlin has also two types of set. one is mutable and second is immutable.
so see the code
mutable set-
val mSet = mutableSetOf(1,2,4,5,6,6,8,1)
immutable set
val set = setOf(15,2,3,10,5,6,15,10)

mutable vs immutable set: you can update mutable set anytime. But immutable set can not update after assign.
print all the value
mutable set-
for ((p,v) in mSet.withIndex()) println("Index:$p value:$v")
Index:0 value:1
Index:1 value:2
Index:2 value:4
Index:3 value:5
Index:4 value:6
Index:5 value:8
Immutable set-
for ((p,v) in set.withIndex()) println("Index:$p value:$v")
Index:0 value:15
Index:1 value:2
Index:2 value:3
Index:3 value:10
Index:4 value:5
Index:5 value:6
That's it on set.

oh! we finish all the topics. Before finish this post I will give you a gift topics.
List vs set:
you probably see that list and set is working basically same process. List and Set both save a collection of data. They also have the mutable and immutable option. you can save any time of data type and you can also mix data type. but the question is, what is the difference between list and set?
the answer is, the set is not stored duplicate value but list save. If you are working with duplicate value then you must use list. or, If you are want to ignore duplicate value then use set.

Thank you for reading.
Hope you enjoy this tutorial.
Happy coding.

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How to control loop in Kotlin

August 18, 2017

Welcome to kotlin Series

In this small post, we are going to discuss how to control loop in Kotlin.
Basically, we use 2 keywords for the control loop.
1. continue
2. break
if we want to skip one process, then we use to continue the keyword
for (a in 1..5){
        if (a==4){
        println("A: $a")
A: 1
A: 2
A: 3
A: 5
or if we stop the loop then we use break keyword
for (a in 1..5){
    if (a==4){
    println("A: $a")
A: 1
A: 2
A: 3

But in the nested loop if we want to stop the second loop after a selected value.
But in this case, if we use break keyword in the second loop-
for (a in 1..5){
        println("A: $a")

        for (b in 1..5){
            if (a == 4){
            println("B: $b")
and output:
A: 1
B: 1
B: 2
B: 3
B: 4
B: 5
A: 2
B: 1
B: 2
B: 3
B: 4
B: 5
A: 3
B: 1
B: 2
B: 3
B: 4
B: 5
A: 4
A: 5
B: 1
B: 2
B: 3
B: 4
B: 5
so we see loop is not stopped. It only stops inner loop after reaching the value of a is 4. no value of this loop is not printed and it repeated every time with increasing value with a
But our target on the basis of above value, we want to stop whole loop not only second loop after the value of a is 4.
For this case, we use loop keyword.
See the code-
loop@ for (a in 1..5){
        println("value a:$a")

        for (b in 1..4){
            if (a == 4){

            println(" b:$b")

    println("Loop done")
value a:1
value a:2
value a:3
value a:4
Loop done
Oh! now our loop is stopped when the value of a is 4
sometimes we need to control the inner loop with the main loop condition. So loop keyword is saved a lot of time, we don't need to implement the complex logic.

Thank you for reading this post.
Happy coding

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